希望国际大学参与了许多优秀的经济援助计划,以帮助学生实现他们的高等教育目标. 援助的主要类型有奖学金、助学金和其他援助,如贷款或勤工俭学.

While many students will qualify for multiple sources of aid, 霍普国际大学将机构助学金和奖学金限制为每位学生一笔.

Cal Grants A & B (California State Grants)

File FAFSA, Hope FAQ and CSAC GPA verification form. All three forms must be postmarked by April 2nd. Cal Grants A: up to $9,358, Cal Grants B: up to $1,648.


Learn more at California Student Aid Comission

Pell Grants (Federal)

File FAFSA, and Hope FAQ. Both forms are required. Award range up to a maximum of $7,395 depending on cost of attendance, financial need, and funding levels approved by the federal government.

Direct Loans (Federal)

直接贷款计划通过大学提供低息长期贷款. These funds must be REPAID. Funding for these loans comes from bank lenders. These loans can be subsidized or unsubsidized.

To be eligible to borrow a federal Direct Loan, 学生必须至少注册一半时间(6个本科单元和6个证书). 如果你在一个学期内少于一半的时间,你的贷款可能会被取消.

If you decide to borrow a Federal Direct Loan, you will be required to complete a Master Promissory Note. Visit the following web site, http://www.studentloans.gov to complete the promissory note online. 特别提示:新葡京博彩官网的首次借款人需要完成入学贷款咨询课程. 学生可以通过以下网站完成在线课程来满足这一要求 http://www.studentloans.gov 或者学生可以通过致电(714)879 - 3901参加面对面的会议, x2202 to schedule an appointment.

  • The federal maximums are:

    $3500 per academic year for the first year of undergraduate study; $4,500 per academic year for the second year of undergraduate study; $5,余下的本科和证书学习每学年500美元, up to a total of $23,000 subsidized.

利息是固定的根据你的支付日期和每年的变化. 还款通常在毕业后六个月开始,或者在你停止注册至少一半的时间开始. 付款和还款期长短取决于你的债务规模,但每年必须至少600美元. Please refer to http://studentaid.gov for more details. Under special circumstances, 未违约的联邦直接贷款的偿还可以延期或取消. 还款、延期和取消由贷款人或贷款服务中心处理. If you are eligible for a Federal Direct Loan, 我们已经包含了一个(补贴或无补贴或两者结合)作为你的经济援助奖励的一部分.

请参考以下段落了解两者的区别 subsidized and sunsubsidized Federal Direct Loans.

  • Subsidized Loan

    你可以借到的联邦直接贷款补贴金额是教育成本和你的资源(家庭贡献)之间的差额, financial aid, 以及你从学校和外部来源获得的任何其他帮助). However, you cannot borrow more than the federal maximum. If you are eligible for a subsidized loan, 联邦政府会为你支付至少一半的入学时间的利息.

  • Unsubsidized Loan

    无补贴联邦直接贷款授予不符合最高补贴贷款资格的学生. 无补贴贷款可以代替全部或部分家庭供款. However, 贷款金额不能超过教育费用和你将从学校和任何外部来源获得的任何经济援助(包括补贴的联邦直接贷款)之间的差额。.

If you are a dependent student, your total Federal Direct Loan (subsidized, unsubsidized, (或两者兼而有之)不能超过这些贷款的年度和/或联邦最高限额. 利息将从贷款发放给你的那一天开始收取,直到贷款全部偿还为止.

Federal Work Study (FWS)

联邦工作学习计划(FWS)为有资格获得经济援助的学生(在校或校外)提供资金. 学生必须注册至少一半的时间,并证明经济需求(通过需求分析过程). FWS awards typically range up to $2,000; however, 增加的要求可以直接向财政援助办公室提出. Hourly wages are paid in compliance with minimum wage laws; students may work from 5 to 20 hours per week, 取决于导师的需要和学生的勤工俭学奖励.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

只要有资金和工作机会,联邦勤工俭学奖学金将继续向学生提供. 联邦工作学习就业是通过人力资源办公室协调的,学生必须通过上面列出的希望FWS工作申请链接填写FWS工作申请. 财政援助办公室将在收到FWS工作申请已提交给人力资源的通知后授予FWS资金.

PLUS Loans (Federal Parent Loans)

PLUS贷款旨在为受抚养学生的父母提供经济援助. 父母(有良好的信用记录)可以借到估计每年出席的费用, minus any financial aid awarded to the student. 利息在第一次支付后立即开始累积. 还款在贷款最终支付后立即开始, with the first payment due within 60 days. The fixed interest rate is 7.21%. 如果你是一个受抚养的学生,你的父母没有资格获得联邦PLUS贷款, 你可能有资格获得额外的无补贴直接贷款. PLUS贷款申请可在财务援助办公室申请,家长也可以选择通过访问网站在线申请 www.studentaid.gov.

Educational Private Loans

Compare private loan lender options before making a decision. (view information sheet).